HR and L&D managers are both essential to ensuring that learning is directed toward company-wide goals. However it's not possible to integrate a learning culture without also advocating for it.

Making learning part of employees’ day-to-day life will make it a working habit. Ensuring that employees have easy accessibility and availability to learning is key. Whether you’re a manager, or in a leadership position, here are six ways on how to create a company culture focused on personal growth through continuous learning.

  1. Establish a training KPI of time for self-development (e.g. 35h/year). KPIs clarify what is expected from employees and help them to manage their priorities.
  2. Involve top management in actively promoting a learning culture. Leadership has a fundamental role in communication and change management.

To sum up, implementing a learning culture only has its perks it can drive performance, boost employee engagement and develop internal future leaders.