AI-Powered Features
That Improve Learning

Maximize personalization, knowledge retention
and skill application.

AI Summaries

Learn Faster
Learn Smarter

Our AI generates summaries for every content piece, helping learners to understand better, save time and put what they learn into practice.

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Understand Better

AI summaries to help grasp and remember concepts more easily.

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Save Time

Decide if the content meets your learning needs by quickly check the main points.

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Consolidate and Share Knowledge

Create clear, insightful summaries to easily retain and share learnings

Action Plans

Put Learning
Into Practice

Every video lesson comes with an actionable plan, so your team can start using their new skills right away. Here’s how it helps:

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Apply Knowledge

Easily turn theory into practice with clear steps that make learning practical.

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Reinforce New Skills

Consistently apply new concepts and techniques to build lasting habits and solidify learning.

Skill Development Plan

A Personalized
Skills Roadmap

Empower each employee with a personalized skill development plan that guides them on the essential skills they need for their specific role. 

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Revelant Skills

Our AI identifies the exact skills needed for each job, removing any guesswork.

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Personalized Learning

Employees get a tailored list of lessons and resources to close their skill gaps.

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Dynamic Updates

As employees grow and goals change, the plan automatically updates to stay relevant.

AI Coach

Your Personal
Learning Guide

Stuck on a concept? Need a specific advice? Learninghubz's AI Coach is always ready to help.

How it Works:

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Ask Questions, Get Answers

Instantly get clear, concise answers to your learning questions with our AI-powered coach.

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Deeper Learning Recommendations

Receive tailored suggestions for lessons and courses to explore topics further.

Course Creation Tool

Create Courses

No need to spend weeks or months on creating training materials. With Learninghubz, you can create engaging courses in minutes.

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Create Your Course

Turn documents, presentations, and videos into interactive courses with quizzes and assessments.

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Customize Easily

Edit and brand your courses to fit your needs.

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Launch Immediately

Deploy your courses right away to keep training up-to-date and address skills gaps fast.


Keep Your Team Engaged

Keep your team excited about learning with weekly newsletters, in-app notifications, banners, posts, and monthly goals that spark friendly competition.

Features Designed for Today's Workforce

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